This weekend we have the Peter’s Pence collection. This collection will go to the Pope’s ministry and charity. Please contribute generously to our religious leader, the pope.
The Family Ministry invites all Couples to a Online talk 'Healthy Habits for a Stronger Marriage', on Saturday 2nd July , at 4:30pm. Please register at the link below
Solemnity of Corpus Christi is on 19th June, Sunday. Eucharistic Adoration after the 4:45 pm mass and solemn procession in the church compound after the 6:15 mass. Members of various communities and prayer groups are requested to line up after their banners and participate in the procession.
To: The Volunteers of all Ministries and Communities. Greetings of Peace! The universal Church is going through a crisis due to abuse of children, minors and the vulnerable in the Church and therefore it is taking measures to avoid such scandal. In the mandate of the Bishop, it is clear that the Policy and the Code of Conduct apply to all engaged in the Parish who interact with this group of Parishioners. As part of your cooperation and commitment to serve in AVOSA (Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia), you are requested to undertake the course that will certify you to serve in the Church, in your capacity and role...
Inviting all couples celebrating their wedding anniversary in the month of June to a wedding anniversary mass on Monday, 13 th June at 7:00 pm mass. Please register online on the parish website.
The Family Ministry invites all Parents having children between the age of 3-16 years to an online talk 'The Real Impact of Social Media on Kids & Teens', on Saturday, 18th of June at 11 AM. The talk will discuss the pros and cons of social media for teens, how it shapes their reality and as parents what we need to do about it. Enabling parents to better understand their children and building healthy families.
Attention all parishioners! Two of the priests serving our parish for a number of years, Fr. Alex Vachaparambil and Fr. Denis Saldanha, are leaving the parish shortly. The parish puts on record their selfless services to the parish at large and to their respective language communities in particular. Thank you Dear Fathers! Showers of blessings we plead on your journey ahead! Till we meet again!
Solemnity of Corpus Christi is on 19th June, Sunday. Eucharistic Adoration after the 4:45 pm mass and solemn procession in the church compound after the 6:15 mass. Members of various communities and prayer groups are requested to line after their banners and participate in the procession. Parishioners are requested to send their children who recently received First Holy Communion as flower children dressed in their white First Holy Communion robe and bring a basket of flower petals and arrive at the Mini Hall at 6 pm.
Bengali Community invites its faithful to attend their Bengali mass celebrated by His Eminence, Cardinal Patrick D’Rozario, on Sunday, 12th June at 8pm in the chapel. All Bengalis are requested to join the celebration.
In his last pastoral letter to the faithful, offering thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, Bishop Paul reminisces over his experiences in leading the diverse and multicultural flock in the Arabian Peninsula during his tenure as Apostolic Vicar for the past 18 years...
Nurses Ministry Cordially invites all the nurses for a one day “Pentacostal Gathering” on Saturday 11th June, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, at St Anthony of Padua Church – RAK. Registration is available in the Church compound, every Saturday and Sunday after all English masses. Note: Transportation is available. Contact Numbers: Manju 050-5650214 / Tesmol 058-9937530