On the occasion of the beginning of the month of Ramadan, Bishop Paul Hinder conveyed his greetings of esteem and peace to their Royal Highnesses, the Rulers of the Emirates and the citizens of the United Arab Emirates.
Below is the full text of the greeting:
On behalf of the Catholic Christian community in the UAE, I wish to convey our sincere esteem and greetings of peace to their Highnesses, the Rulers and leaders of the United Arab Emirates, its citizens and all our brothers and sisters in the Muslim community at the beginning of the month of Ramadan, a month of mercy and forgiveness.
Prayer, fasting and charity form part of the shared spiritual heritage of humanity, acknowledging "that this universe depends on a God who governs it " (cf. Declaration on Human Fraternity). They reflect our common desire to honour God and seek his help, especially in these present difficult times. As His Holiness Pope Francis said in his historic visit to the UAE, such practices also "purify the heart from turning in on itself" and thus lead to a true spirit of tolerance, mutual respect and concern for the good of one's neighbour (cf. Address of Pope Francis to the Human Fraternity Conference).
Although Ramadan cannot be observed in the usual manner this year due to the difficulties caused by the pandemic, the religious spirit at the heart of this month remains alive through the many initiatives for the welfare of the suffering and needy undertaken by all sections of society under the wise leadership of this country. The deep spiritual traditions of this nation have inspired the generous response whereby assistance has been and continues to be provided to citizens, residents and the wider human family, regardless of origin, sex or religion.
In solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters during this month, the Catholic Christian community implores God the Almighty to deepen the noble spirit of compassion and generosity among all people of goodwill and direct them toward cooperation for the common good. We pray that through the focus on moral and spiritual values in this time, the blessings of "peace, justice, goodness, beauty, human fraternity and coexistence" may take root in human hearts, awakening humanity to its responsibilities toward God and his creation. (Declaration on Human Fraternity).
We ask Almighty God to accept our actions, prayers and supplications, and to send his mercy, forgiveness, blessings and rewards upon the leaders of the UAE, its citizens and its residents. May he protect this country during these challenging times and crown all its undertakings with success.
Bishop Paul Hinder, Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia