St.Mary's Catholic church - Dubai Announcements (From Saturday: 18th & 19th June 2022)
Solemnity of Corpus Christi is on 19th June, Sunday. Eucharistic Adoration after the 4:45 pm mass and solemn procession in the church compound after the 6:15 mass. Members of various communities and prayer groups are requested to line up after their banners and participate in the procession. Parishioners are requested to send their children who recently received First Holy Communion as flower children dressed in their white First Holy Communion robe and bring a basket of flower petals and arrive at the Mini Hall at 6 pm.
Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesuson Friday, 24th June. Eucharistic Adoration after the 5pm mass.
Selection of New Lectors: Audition will be held on Saturday, 16th July at 5pm to select new lectors. Those are interested to join the Ministry of Lectors, register online for the audition before 10th July. Age limit:Above 18 years old.
St. Mary’s Parish invites all youth and young adults to be a part of the Youth Mass on Monday, 20th June at 8pm in the chapel. All are invited.
Sri Lankan Catholic Community of St. Mary’s, led by Rev. Fr. Roy Clarance, welcome all Sri Lankans for their two monthly community holy masses.
1st Sunday of the month at 7:30pm in the chapel.
4th Sunday of the month at 4pm holy rosary and 4:30pm holy mass at Bishop Paul Hall (Mini Hall).
Samaritan Ministry is organizing a few courses: IELTS, Basic Arabic, MS Office, and Tally with UAE VAT. For more information,queries, and registration visit or email [email protected]
Canticle Choir is open for soprano and tenor audition who aress willing to join the group in their mass services every Monday at 7pm. For those interested, kindly approach them after their service or contact Tet-0553708791 / Mhai-0585549938.