Pastoral Visit 2023 Our parish joyfully welcomes Bishop Paolo Martinelli for the Pastoral visit from 18th May 2023 to 29th May 2023. The Welcome Ceremony will take place on Thursday 18th May at 6:30pm, followed by the Concelebrated Inaugural Mass at 7:00pm. The Concluding Mass will be on Sunday, 28th May 2023 at 6:15pm followed by a general meeting with the Bishop at the Portico and Agape. All parishioners are cordially invited. No meetings / activities are permitted in the Halls or Rooms above the Bishop Paul Hall on 18th and 28th May from 5:00pm onwards.
Installation Mass of the Holy Relics of Saints Louis & Zélie Martin The Family Ministry invites all to the Installation Mass of the Holy Relics of Saints Louis & Zélie Martin, parents of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, the first married couple to be canonized together by the Catholic Church. HE Bishop Paolo will celebrate the Relic Installation Mass on Saturday 20th May 2023 at 7:30 pm. Marriage Encounter
Inviting all sacramentally married couples to an in-person Weekend, offering a platform to deepen your relationship and be intimate with your spouse and with God.
The weekend will be on 27th and 28th May.
For more details, please contact George & Elizabeth – 0504169645 / 0504169727.
Nurses’ Ministry – Pentecostal Celebration
3rd June from 9am to 4pm at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, AL AIN, Abu Dhabi.
Bishop Paolo Martinelli will be the main celebrant.
Requesting all youth and young adults to attend as he would like to meet you all.
It has come to attention that many unsuspecting parishioners have been falling victim to some people around the church premises, who ask for alms claiming that they have been robbed or are in a desperate situation and have not received help. Apart from the high probability of many of these people turning out to be scammers, parishioners are strongly advised to be cautious, as begging is illegal in the UAE and anyone involved can be held legally liable.