O immaculate Virgin / Mother of God and Mother of Men / we believe with all the fervour of our faith / in your triumphal Assumption / in body and soul, into heaven /where you are acclaimed as Queen / by all the choirs of angels / and all the legions of the saints / and we unite with them / to praise and bless the Lord / who has exalted you above all other creatures /and to offer you / the outpouring of our devotion and our love. / We are confident / that your eyes of mercy / will look down upon our misery and anguish / our struggles and our weakness /that your lips /will smile upon our joys and victories / that you will hear Jesus say to you / of each of us / “Behold thy Son”, /We, who call upon you as our Mother / take you for our guidance, / strength, and consolation / in our mortal life. /
In the glory where you reign / clothed with the sun / and crowned with stars you are /after Jesus / the joy and gladness / of all the angels and of all the saints. / From this earth / we tread as pilgrims / strengthened by our faith / in the resurrection to come /we look forward to join you / who are our life / our sweetness and our hope / Draw us onward / with your gentle voice / that one day after this our exile / you may show us Jesus, /the blessed fruit of your womb / O clement / O loving / O sweet Virgin Mary. / Amen