Greetings of peace and Joy to you and your families,
I am sure you are all eagerly waiting to hear the new schedule for Catechism. Catechism will continue to be ONLINE until further notice.
With the introduction of the new working week, please be advised that the Friday schedule will be shifted to Sunday and the Saturday will remain the same, ie. Children in the Friday morning session will now have Catechism on SUnday morning and Friday afternoon session will now be on Sunday afternoon. Saturday children will have catechism on Saturday. However, there is a change in the timings.
Saturday Session will be from 10:45 AM to 11:45 AM Sunday Morning Session will be from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM Sunday AFternoon Session will ve from 02:15 PM to 03:15 PM
Parents you are your child's first Catechist, so we kindly request you to ensure that your child attends one obligatory Mass a week. We also discourage requests to change sessions. Changes could be accepted for the next catechetical year.
Wish you a very happy New Year. May God bless you and your family and protect and keep you all safe!
Rev. Fr. Lennie J.A. Connully, OFM Cap. Parish Priest