The Newspapers of 30th June reported that all the worship places of UAE will be opened for worship from 1st July. I am sure all of you are excited to hear that long awaited news. But before you get ready to go to church I would like to bring to your kind attention certain things good to note.
First of all we are grateful to the Rulers of UAE and all its governing bodies for taking good care of all residents of this country with extraordinary vigilance and care during this time of Covid19 pandemic. Because of their diligence we are now able to breathe easy. But let us not take things for granted that Covid 19 is finally brought to its knees. It is not all over yet. We still need to follow the “safety first” norm. Accordingly the Government of Dubai has set certain terms and conditions to be followed when the church will be actually opened. You are all aware of these measures through the media.
Once we have prepared the church and premises as per the conditions laid down, the government representatives will inspect our preparations and only when they are satisfied with our preparations will they actually allow us to open the church for worship. Regarding the conditions we have raised a few concerns to the CDA. We are awaiting clarifications from them. This part has not taken place yet. So be patient until you get official information from the church. It will come on the website sooner than later. Until then our existing live streaming of mass will go on.